Projects > Travis Meinolf


We can gather materials and tools and make things ourselves. Starting with simple staples like blankets and bread we will slowly gain momentum. The space that we create for this Free Market will belong to all who care to share the vision. This market can exist in any open storefront, in any park, or in any museum, anywhere that people can collect tools and materials and arrange for somebody to demonstrate their use. Unlike the distancing effect produced by the direct-value exchange of currency, objects in gift economies convey meaning and social connection in addition to filling needs. This multilayer exchange grows community and responsibility. I propose a new economy where all objects reject our current options of ignorance, alienated consumption, or ironic collusion with global exploitation. I envision all people spending their time learning new skills and producing products for people who need them! This is a way to begin, a way to inspire change by advocating strongly for a gentler, more direct and more honest way of living and making.